An Antidote to Anxiety

Bri Lindley

Mar 10, 2024

The Grip 

Anxiety often acts as a constant, low hum in the background of our lives. It lurks in the shadows of anticipation, feeding on uncertainty and doubt, growing stronger as our resolve weakens. This familiarity with stagnation, isolation, and emotional paralysis contrasts sharply with our pursuit of productivity and progress. Anxiety suffocates us under the weight of indecision, buries us under endless tasks, and overwhelms us with the vast unknown, turning life into a series of missed opportunities and unrealized potential.

The Paralysis 

Our fears amplify in moments of stagnation, like clinging to a riverbank with a white-knuckled grip, too afraid to let go and be swept along by life's current. We forget that the river doesn't stop; it doesn't pause for our fear or wait patiently in our indecision. Life continues, and we are left increasingly isolated, the now silence of our indecision deafening. Our powerful minds trick us into believing that remaining paralyzed is the safest route, a sanctuary from the unknown, and potential harm should we let go. However, this comfort in our despair, this paralysis, only serves to strengthen anxiety's hold over us.

From Stasis to Action

But how do we break free, especially when anxiety feels like being caught in a rapid current, and we’re struggling to breathe? The surrounding advice—meditation, sleep, positive affirmations—while well-meaning, often feels like inaction masquerading as self-care. They're spectators to our struggle, highlighting the importance of moving forward without acknowledging how daunting that first step can be.

The solution is surprisingly simple and tangible, yet often overlooked amid our battle with fears and personal demons. It's not even a heroic leap into the unknown. It's simple and it's attainable, yet it camouflages in our subconscious.

So, hopefully this message cuts through the noise and you are able to hear it, see it, feel it:

Action is the antidote to anxiety, and it starts with the smallest of movements, a seemingly imperceptible shift that ripples into a wave of intensifying change.

The Power of the First Step

Our instincts know that action is powerful, yet we resist, overwhelmed by the complexity of our world that seems to constantly challenge its simplicity. The smallest action feels monumental when we're paralyzed by anxiety. Yet, it’s through the compounding of these tiny accomplishments that the scaffolding of our confidence is rebuilt. It doesn't fulfill our desire for grandeur; it doesn't satisfy the narrative of transformation we've been spoon-fed by tales of the underdog and the hero's journey. But in learning to accept the humility, brokenness, and unassuming nature of starting small, we reclaim our narrative and declare autonomy over our fears.

It's about moving from "I should" to "I am," transforming thought into action. This isn't about keeping busy but taking purposeful, planned actions. You may start with making a phone call you’ve been putting off, tackling overdue chores, or simply getting out of bed. If you don’t know what action to take yet, you haven’t started small enough. Whatever its form, it should be manageable and immediate, taking advantage of the buried ember of smoldering motivation that simmers beneath the ashy layers of our fear.

(Do I sound a bit dramatic yet? Good! This is our LIFE we are talking about, and we only have one shot at it.)

The Ripple Effect

Taking that first step changes everything. It's a declaration of our agency that resounds throughout the chambers of our psyche. In an unassuming yet powerful way, things begin to happen. You realize that you are no longer standing still in the face of your challenge. You're moving forward. And as you take another step, and then another, the strides grow larger, the momentum builds.

As we act, even in the smallest ways, we set in motion a kinetic energy that propels us out of our hell. It's not about eradicating anxiety entirely—an unrealistic goal—but about diminishing its power by building our own. It’s about becoming the masters and creators of our own stories. This is not to say that the challenges become less daunting. No, what happens is that you grow more resilient, more capable. You stop seeing the problem as an insurmountable monolith and start seeing it as a series of navigable obstacles.

The Unseen Architect

We often forget that taking action is a quiet endeavor. It’s not the public spectacle of a superhero but the silent, dogged work of an unseen architect. Many will not witness our struggles. Most won’t see our triumphs or marvel at the buildings we erect from the pile of our old selves. Most won’t grieve over our moments of collapse. They won’t understand the significance of our first step, nor our last. But it matters. All of it.

In the daily labor of moving forward, each step is a brick laid with routine and intention, not to build a great castle (yet), but to lay a foundation. It's in the quiet, daily acts of laying down each brick that we find ourselves not just constructing walls, but building a sanctuary that bears our name. There’s no rush in this work, no grand, sweeping changes. It’s the patience, grit and grace of a heart that understands we are building something far more significant than mere structures. We are crafting the sacred spaces of our lives, and we will spend this lifetime perfecting them.

This transformation is a cumulative process, each step a critical part of a larger journey. By committing to the practice of taking one step at a time, we are able to see a path forward with growing clarity. It’s in their sum that we discover the wealth of our potential, the depths of our resilience, and the power that lay dormant inside us. We remind ourselves that we are not helplessly caught in the currents of an uncaring universe – we are the architects of our own lives, taking control, and moving, however slightly, away from the shadows of anxiety.

Just Move

And so, I encourage you with my whole being: take that first step. It may seem small or inconsequential, but it's a monumental act of defiance against the inertia of anxiety. It's your declaration to the world, and more importantly, to yourself, that you are moving forward. And as you move, you will find that the shadows retreat, the anxiety lessens, and the world seems a little less daunting.

Just move.